- 遥想马翁当年,提倡走出书房,到天涯海角,跳出主流文化的圈子,那是何等的胸襟。(2014-10-27)
- 李银河的《生育与中国村落文化》(2014-10-27)
- 在村里,三姑六婆就是土地神,无所不知,又无所不传。所以一个自然村简直就是个人信息的超导体,毫无秘密可言。生老病死,婚丧嫁娶,什么事别人都知道,所以简直什么事自己都做不了主。(2014-10-28)
- 她描述了这样一幅生活图景:你怎么挣钱,别人不管;但你怎么过日子,大伙就要说话了。在这种情况下,日子当然难有崭新的过法。(2014-10-28)
- 我知道有些人生活的乐趣就是发掘别人道德上的毛病,然后盼着人家倒霉。谢天谢地,我不是这样的人。(2014-10-28)
- 未读完,中断了……
df 查看存储状态
top 查看内存和CPU状态
last 查看历史登陆,可以看看服务器有没有陌生IP登陆
例:last|grep 查看192.168.1.1的登陆情况
uname -a :显示系统信息
tail 查看文件尾
例:tail -100f game.log 查看文件最后100行,持续刷新,适合在服务器上看实时日志时使用
sudo fuser -v 9000/tcp
答:2.4 kernel以上,可以用mount –bind命令来链接。
The bind mounts. Since Linux 2.4.0 it is possible to remount part of the file hierarchy somewhere else. The call is mount --bind olddir newdir or shortoption mount -B olddir newdir or fstab entry is: /olddir /newdir none bind After this call the same contents is accessible in two places. One can also remount a single file (on a single file). It's also possible to use the bind mount to create a mountpoint from a regular directory, for example: mount --bind foo foo The bind mount call attaches only (part of) a single filesystem, not possible submounts. The entire file hierarchy including sub‐ mounts is attached a second place using mount --rbind olddir newdir or shortoption mount -R olddir newdir Note that the filesystem mount options will remain the same as those on the original mount point, and cannot be changed by passing the -o option along with --bind/--rbind. The mount options can be changed by a separate remount command, for exam‐ ple: mount --bind olddir newdir mount -o remount,ro newdir Note that behavior of the remount operation depends on the /etc/mtab file. The first command stores the 'bind' flag to the /etc/mtab file and the second command reads the flag from the file. If you have a system without the /etc/mtab file or if you explicitly define source and target for the remount command (then mount(8) does not read /etc/mtab), then you have to use bind flag (or option) for the remount command too. For example: mount --bind olddir newdir mount -o remount,ro,bind olddir newdir
我们这里用到一款叫做dislocker的工具,它可以在Linux或者Mac OSX中,读写被Windows Bitlocker加密的卷。它的GitHub地址:https://github.com/Aorimn/dislocker
$sudo mkdir /media/windows $sudo mkdir /media/mount/